domingo, septiembre 8, 2024
InicioDeportesMe gusta molestar. ¿Has visto las moscas? Son complicadas - AS

Me gusta molestar. ¿Has visto las moscas? Son complicadas – AS

el Balón de Oro este año debido a la competencia de otros jugadores como Lionel Messi y Cristiano Ronaldo.
– Reconoce el trabajo de los jugadores jóvenes del equipo y menciona a João Félix como una gran promesa.
– Habla sobre el apoyo de la afición y la importancia de mantener la conexión con los seguidores.
– Destaca la calidad y la entrega de Luis Suárez y el impacto positivo que ha tenido en el equipo.
– Comenta sobre la competencia en la portería entre Jan Oblak y André Onana.
– Simeone también habla sobre su futuro como entrenador y afirma que todavía tiene mucho por hacer y ganar con el Atlético.
– Finalmente, agradece a la directiva del club por la confianza depositada en él y reafirma su compromiso con el Atlético de Madrid.

– Diego Pablo Simeone visits the editorial office of El Larguero de la Cadena SER after his renewal with Atlético until 2027.
– The Cholo’s team reaches the break in great form, with 17 consecutive victories at the Cívitas Metropolitano.
– Griezmann states that, following the coach’s renewal, he wants to be the next to renew.
– Simeone reviews all the current affairs of the red and white team and talks about the ongoing project.
– He highlights the importance of competing in a league with Madrid and Barcelona, and mentions the joy of Girona and the attractive football of Real Sociedad.
– He comments that the renewal was important and he seeks to continue improving, aiming to be second instead of third, and winning the league in fewer years.
– He talks about the importance of his relationship with Miguel Ángel Gil and his trip to Buenos Aires to convince him to stay.
– He didn’t think about not renewing, but he acknowledges that there was a moment of doubt last year due to poor results.
– He didn’t like talking about the renewal before matches.
– He emphasizes the importance of the Champions League, but doesn’t consider it an obsession.
– He is willing to give up eating barbecue for a year to win the Champions League.
– He speaks about the team’s growth and the demands of the fans.
– He mentions the importance of the players and highlights Griezmann’s good moment.
– He comments that it would be difficult for Griezmann to win the Ballon d’Or this year due to competition from other players like Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo.
– He recognizes the work of the young players on the team and mentions João Félix as a great promise.
– He talks about the support from the fans and the importance of maintaining a connection with them.
– He highlights the quality and dedication of Luis Suárez and the positive impact he has had on the team.
– He comments on the competition between Jan Oblak and André Onana in goal.
– Simeone also talks about his future as a coach and states that he still has a lot to do and win with Atlético.
– Finally, he thanks the club’s management for their trust in him and reaffirms his commitment to Atlético de Madrid.

William Star
William Star
"Practicante de Internet. Friki del alcohol. Wannabe solucionador de problemas. Experto en viajes aficionado. Aficionado a la cerveza profesional. Aficionado a la comida".


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